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hot tub features

Are you buying your first hot tub and want to know which accessories you can get? Or perhaps you’re already a seasoned hot tub user and looking for a way to elevate your relaxing spa experience? Either way, at Premier Hot Tubs, we stock a range of hot tub features and accessories that are sure to transform your everyday hot tub evenings into luxurious self-care events.


heat pumps vs electric hot tub heaters

At Premier Hot Tubs, we know that purchasing a hot tub can be a huge investment. So, it’s understandable that many prospective buyers will search the web for the best deals possible to cut down on their spending.

A company called Scunthorpe Hot Tubs is currently offering a free 5KW air source heat pump with every spa – a tempting offer! However, before you make a decision on whether this offer is right for you, you should probably do some research on heat pumps. In fact, at Premier Hot Tubs, we’ll do it for you!


If you’ve been searching for a good value, luxury hot tub, you may have come across our competitors at H2O, a Nottingham-based hot tub company that ships across the UK. But how do their products and services compare to ours?

This blog will outline some key differences between H2O Hot Tubs and Premier Hot Tubs to help you pick the perfect spa for your family.


are hot tubs good for your skin

Hot tubs provide a number of benefits for your whole body—and yes, that includes your skin!


Is a hot tub good for back pain

Yes! Hot tubs are ideal for easing back pain. In fact, using hot water as a form of therapy for pain dates back to ancient times where Egyptians, Romans and Greeks used hot baths and springs to ease their ailments. But why are hot tubs so effective in treating back pain? Read on to find out…
